Why Invest In A Routine Massage

If you are looking for ways to improve your well-being, investing in a massage might be your most effective activity yet! A massage is a great way to improve body movements, your mental well being & revitalize your busy work life schedule  

You don’t have to live with chronic pain and ailments. Acute and chronic conditions can be helped with regular massages. It’s important to understand that acute problems can be helped with 1-3 sessions while more chronic issues can take 6 sessions to months to improve. A common mistake people make coming in is expecting a problem that has taken years to develop to go away with one massage. It’s important to discuss realistic expectations with your massage therapist and develop a plan to reach the wellness goals you have for yourself.

“Amazing massage and decoding of lower  back pain that I have had for a year with recommendations to work it on my own. Definitely going back!” – Google Review

The Path to Longevity

          As you age your ability to do various activities that you have always loved doing gets harder and it’s more important to stay healthy and active which increases your longevity. A massage can be part of your solution to longevity and your health-related concerns by naturally stimulating your body’s movement. Some of the things we face as we age are conditions like; immobility, high blood pressure, injuries and diseases like cancer.

          According to longevity, a massage promotes your cardiovascular system, immune system, lymphatic circulatory system, posture, and anti-aging properties. Additionally, NIH informs that receiving a massage is significant in the long run because of the reduction of blood pressure. These types of results are why massages are significant within a person’s life. Incorporating a routine massage in your life can improve your long-term health to a balanced body. Below are various ways that therapeutic massage can help you in everyday life:

The Therapeutic Advantages of a Massage:

  • Injury prevention and recovery (Reduces aches/pain/sores)
    • Acute & Chronic Pain (Neck, Shoulder Back pain)
    • Muscle tightness and soreness
    • Post injury, post surgery and scar release
  • Increases serotonin to help with sleep, mood and digestion
  • Decreases joint inflammation
  • Promotes healing in post-surgery wounds
  • Improves lymphatic systems
  • Increases circulation and blood flow 
  • Increases body confidence and awareness
  • Improves flexibility

Many individuals who get regular massages have expressed the positive effects that a massage offers and the results on their physical wellbeing. 

“Nesfield Performance Movement Therapy: Active Release Technique(ART), Cupping and Manual Therapy coupled with targeted homework stretching is giving me a full life back. 

                                                                                                           Full Review Below

The Wonders of a Routine Massage

          The various techniques of massage can help transform your body’s physical and mental performance. At NP we believe consistency is KEY! The best way to do that is having a routine. Deciding the right routine for you is a combination of your body’s needs, goals, time, finances and your commitment to seeing the change you want. Here are a few recommended frequencies for massage: 

  • 1-3x a week – major acute injury or chronic injury that needs to improve quickly, a temporary schedule that will change after improvement 
  • 1x a week – constant pain relief or enjoy benefits of a weekly massage
  • Bi-weekly- constant tension or pain and preventative care
  • Monthly – preventive care to decompress and maintain healthy tissue quality 
  • Quarterly – check in maintenance, those with less body ailments and stress or who may have various other modalities they use for stress relief on mind and body  

          If you have not experienced the benefits of massage, get started today to book your first appointment. Please note that self-improvements from a massage are best combined with a regular self-care routine that includes exercise and nutrition. Reach out to our professionals to discuss ways we can help you perform better in life. 

 Read more reviews here! 

“Nesfield Performance Movement Therapy: Active Release Technique(ART), Cupping and Manual Therapy coupled with targeted homework stretching is giving me a full life back. Previously I was limited by multiple painful conditions; I visited several different doctors and physical therapy centers to get relief and I was informed that surgery may be the best answer. Surgery is not a choice I’d consider at this point and a friend of mine referred me to Nesfield Performance and I am so thankful. NP’s keen intuition and masterful touch is providing hope and enabling me to return to full mobility. Highly recommend receiving a consultation/evaluation about your chronic pain from NP. This evaluation can help you discover if body work will allow you to avoid surgery and multiple cortisone shots that are only a temporary fix. Due to overuse of my limbs from my profession and daily exercise presently I suffer from a Frozen Shoulder and on the verge of severe Plantar Fasciitis in my feet. Both conditions were waking me up at night, limiting mobility and causing me to stop participating in extracurricular activities that are vital to maintaining sound mental and physical health. 

 A personalized therapy plan along with the personalized daily routine is truly a fantastic investment.” – Leslie


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